Day 40 - speed bump

I'm sorry for the blog post delay. I've found myself in a situation. I've been struggling with track closures, usually due to lambing, which I can work around, but I was recently informed by DOC that the Wanganui river, and all tracks leading to the river are closed. This is a huge section of the trail that I simply cannot detour. With my parents coming to visit New Zealand for two weeks I found this a good opportunity to take time off the trail and figure out my plan for going forward. With cash running low and my 1 year visa coming closer to expiration, this may actually be for the best. I'm currently working on extending my visa.

My return to Wellington has not been upsetting. It's been a relief to be back with the two things I love most in this world; my partner and my camera. I'm motivated unlike ever before. It's difficult only having my mobile phone for a camera while walking, but then again I can't spend my days stopping and waiting for the right light or moment.

I've heard mixed things about to the status of the Wanganui river, but last I heard it's opening up again. This means I'll be able to continue on the trail by next week, after spending some time with my parents while they're on vacation here in New Zealand.  I've been looking for a partner to join me on the 5-7 day journey down to Wanganui from Tamaranui, and there's a possibility that it might be Wildboy.

Again, I'm sorry for the delay in my walk for all of those following. I plan to be starting up again ASAP.


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