Te Araroa - South Island - P2

Round two of my hike across New Zealands Te Araroa trail. So far I have completed 1700km of the 3000km trail, and now I'm back to complete the remaining 1300km. Although it's 400km less it will still take me about the same time to complete, close to 3 months.
I learned a lot when I walked the North Island section, and probably the most significant change this time - other than my mentality - is my gear. My base weight for the North Island was around 26 pounds! This time my base weight is 12.8 pounds. I've changed lots! New tent, new sleeping pad, new backpack. I've taken out my camp shoes that weighed over a pound and made my own custom made shoes out of sleeping pad foam that weight in less than 50 grams for the pair. Ridiculous, I know, but soo worth it on the long walk. Hard to enjoy 3 months of hiking with a heavier than needed pack. One new item I will be bringing this time that I didn't have in the North Island is my Fuji Xt2 with a Rokinon 12mmF/2(18mm on a crop sensor Xt2). My camera is my instrument, and will be with my on all adventures going forward. The challenge will be shooting with only a 18mm prime for 3 months.
It was an emotional morning driving to the airport and saying farewell to my family,  best friend and love of my life. When I started the North Island I had the safety net of a warm home and food to go home to if it didn't work out. This time I don't have that nearby. All I have is the 12.8 pounds on my back and the open road. 

 I fly into Wellington February 1st at 11am and will be jumping on a ferry to the South Island that same day at 5pm. I will spend the night in Picton, and the next day I will send food packages to St Arnaud, and Boyle Village, and find a water taxi to take me to the start of the Queen Charlotte Track, Ships Cove. The same spot captain James Cook and his crew had their first steps on New Zealand. This is when the trail will truly begin for me. This is when its real.


  1. Haere mai welcome back Eric! What an awesome adventure you are on. I stayed in beautiful St Arnaud for a couple of nights in December on my way to walk the Heaphy Track. Met a young woman from Colorado who was walking the Te Araroa Trail with her partner. They had stopped to pick up a food package there so I can visualise where you will be. It’s a fantastic spot. Enjoy the Queen Charlotte Track - it’s on my Must Do list ...


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