Day 13 - Slaty hut to Rhintoul Hut

I was first to wake up - to catch the sunrise - but last to leave the hut. when I left Slaty hut the clouds started to pool in over the mountains and created the most epic morning towards Mount Rhintoul.

It wasn't long before I caught up with Justin, and we continued hiking together for the rest of the day. My right hip was causing me pain, and I was concerned it might be the same injury I got in the north island coming back. I took some ibuprofen and continued on with listening to my body with every step.

The views today were spectacular, but the hike along the ridge line was hard. Through trees, and then over sharp rock. There was a hard climb to what I though was mount Rhintoul, but when we arrived we discovered it was Little Rhintoul summit. We could see mount Rhintoul 3km in the distance, but we needed to decend all the way back down the way we came - sliding down sharp rock - and then all the way back up.

When we finally reached the summit of Rhintoul, the rest of the hikers from camp were all there. We all sat and took in the rewarding views. Mount Rhintoul was the highest point we would be hitting in the Richmond Range.

The climb down from Rhintoul was not gradual at all. Steep and on loose rock. My knees felt like they were going to explode. Justin and I were the last to reach Rhintoul hut and yet again we were setting up our tents.

Luckily I found service and was able to call  Brooke back home and wish her a happy Valentine. The views were spectacular and the weather was perfect, but nothing beats the sound of her voice and the end of a hard day of hiking.


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