Day 56 - Wanaka to Fern Bern Hut

I decided to set an early alarm this morning to enjoy a sunrise with the Wanaka tree. The tree was a thirty minute walk from my hostel, which I made in the darkness, but it was situated perfectly next to the trail to allow me continue my way afterwards towards Glendhu Bay. I was hoping that by waking up early I would have some time alone with the Wanaka tree, but that wasn't the case. I hardly had the energy to work around people with selfy-sticks and iphones, and I knew if I were to have any sort shot that I was happy with I would have to wade into the water completely disrupting any sort of stillness that the morning held. Instead I let it go, and carried on down the coastal trail towards Glendhu Bay. It was just after 8am at this point, and I needed a coffee. I thought I was too far out of town at this point, but as I continued down the track I passed a sign that said "fresh coffee. Fresh croissants. All welcome". I took the wayward path up a hill and into the residence of a hotel where I was cured of my morning sickness with a flat white to go. After my coffee I was set for the day, and continued for 15km until I reached Glendhu Bay. It was noon by this time, and I continued on down the Motuepu road towards the track start. I had a slight delay on my road walk when I had to wait for a heard of cows that were being led along by a farmer to clear my way.

It was a blue sky day, and extremely hot. The trail from the car park to the Fern Bern hut took about 3 hours with a steady climb that sidled the valley wall. I enjoyed being in the sheltered trees, but I soon became drenched in sweat when I left their shade. So much sweat that it would poor down my forehead and into my eyes making it difficult to even see.

Wietse was at the hut when I arrived and I was excited to show him my new secret weapon to aid me on the trail. Chocolate covered coffee beans. These little balls of goodess kept me high on caffeine and sugar and also packed a wicked punch of fat and calories. Perfect for the trail.

Wietse decided to carry on towards Highland Creek Hut to make tomorrow's day towards Rose's hut less brutal. I had already taken down 26km and felt satisfied with staying at Fern Bern, especially because no one else was at the hut. Could this be the first hut in the South Island that I would have to myself? No chance. By 5pm a solo French hiker named Hugo showed up and shortly after a group of 4 day hikers. At first I was slightly disappointed, but after a few hours of getting to know each other we all became friends. I thought it was going to be another night of reading my book and eating candy, but my new friends changed that when they brought out cheese and crackers, chocolate, and four bottles of red wine and shared it with me a Hugo. We drank, laughed, ate, and relaxed on the front steps of the hut late into the evening. It was a 93% full moon tonight, which meant our evening was lit by moon and candle light. It was quite a spectacular evening, and by the end of it I was quite sad that Wietse didn't end up sticking around to enjoy the fun.

Nobody snored tonight, and everyone was as quiet as a mouse. I slept like a rock.


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