Day 68 - Lower Princhester to Aparima Hut
It was cold when I opened my eyes. Through the teardrops of condinsation on the glass window I could see snow on the tops of the trees. I was quite ready to stay in my sleeping bag for an extra hour, but then I heard one of the Hunters say "Weather's supposed to get worse later in the day" I decided it was best to get a move on early.
7-8 hours to Aparima Hut today according to my trail notes. It started snowing as I left the hut and I was soon hiking through a winter wonderland. The snow covered jungle forest was something out of the imagination. It was one of the most beautifully unusual days on the yet.
The track was slow going to start, and very cold. Very cold and wet. My boots were immediately soaked through, with numbness in my feet starting that lasted the entire day. By the time I reached the saddle I was starting to feel a bit warmer and ready for the day. Then the track left the snowy forest and entered the open tussocks. Although the long golden grass was beautiful to look at - in its snowy foggy state - it was extremely challenging to get through. The grass was as high as my chin and so thick that I couldn't see my feet. Walking through it was like walking through a human car wash as each string of hair was holding on to a large catchment of water. Even better was the mud and swamp that engulfed my each step.
Throughout the day I heard many roaring stags. As this is mating season, and also the peak time for hunting. Each time I entered the open tussocks I wondered if someone with a rifle was watching me with hungry eyes. I ran into two hunters today though and they were extremely friendly, yet again. Kindly letting me know where they'd be shooting and that they wouldn't be shooting for another hour after I had left. This settled my nerves. Hunting in New Zealand is very different from the rest of the world. Everything in this country that is hunted was introduced, and in turn destroys native vegetation. They're all considered pests. Their is no real season for hunting as it is all year round.
After a full day if being soaked and cold I made it to Aparima hut. It was only 2:30pm, and I was ecstatic to see that their was a fireplace. I gathered enough for wood to last the night, and settled in. Sometimes all you need is a bit of warmth to make you happy.
A hunter spent most of the evening with me, until Stef and Heiner showed up, as well as another German TA hiker. Stef and Heiner brought me Doritos from Te Anau and a coffee muffin. They the best! The Black Bandits! Most of my good friends on the trail are behind me now, but I'm glad to be on the same path with Stef and Heiner this close to the end.
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